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Monday 20 October 2014

Good resolutions for a traveler in 2014

Every year it's the same old song: "Quit smoking," "I put the sport," "I have to work less" ... The good resolutions for the new year is a great tradition, although their implementation application is much more random icon smile good resolutions for a traveler in 2014

In this game, I asked myself what could be the good intentions of travelers in 2014 If you have other ideas, please share them

Keep a travel journal.
You have traveled to China five years ago and you can not remember the name of some places, or even a fellow traveler with whom you have spent unforgettable moments yet? It unfortunately happened to me! At the time, we do not necessarily take the time to write that we did, saw or felt, but in retrospect, I would dream to immerse myself in my very first trip. So, keep a log of daily travel seems to me a very nice resolution for travelers who do not already do so.
Accept the idea that we should not necessarily see everything.
You have traveled to China five years ago and you can not remember the name of some places, or even a fellow traveler with whom you have spent unforgettable moments yet? It unfortunately happened to me! At the time, we do not necessarily take the time to write that we did, saw or felt, but in retrospect, I would dream to immerse myself in my very first trip. So, keep a log of daily travel seems to me a very nice resolution for travelers who do not already do so.
Accept the idea that we should not necessarily see everything
Vous have 4 days to spend in New York, Tokyo or London and you want to see everything? To maximize your chances, I recommend you to get up at 5am and tourist spots to chain up to 23h. But is this really the best way? Is it a tragedy if you do not visit the Guggenheim Museum and you prefer to spend two hours to relax in a cafe or bar friendly? Travel, it is not necessarily see everything until exhaustion, is about taking time for yourself, follow your mood, relax, take time to think about what we just saw ... And why take the time to talk to people we met there.

Changing habits
Like Asia? Go to Africa! You are an expert in couchsufrfing? try the luxury! You like sports? Immerse yourself in the culture that offers the country visited. When traveling, it is important to do what you like, but it is above all the time to make discoveries, to grow, to change ... and this is done by confronting the unknown, by experimenting with new things.
Be more patient and tolerant
When traveling, you happen to annoy you for a detail and realize after it was exaggerated? Worse, you often find yourself in a position where you judge people? If something bothers you, take a deep breath and calm down. Remember that you are off to see different things, so it's really ironic to get upset when things do not go as you're used to. It may not be the case for everyone, but many travelers lack restraint and sometimes unfairly aggressive.
Read more travel books
During any trip, there necessarily has moments of rest or waiting. Instead of watching a movie, series or simply surf your smartphone, you can read a book related to travel or countries visited. Read books other travelers, it grows even more adventure, while reading a book by an author of the classic country will often learn and understand many things.

Voyager Offline 

 I have already discussed the choice of traveling with or without a computer, and you know, I encourage people to go without computer if possible. This also applies to tablets and smartphones. You spend less time doing what you already do at home, to talk to those with whom you already speak at home. Least you will be connected, the more you connect to your surroundings, places like those.

Release the camera
Have a great photo of sunset, that's fine, but enjoy it, that's even better. If you are used to take tens or hundreds of photos per day, do not pass you missing something? Immortalize those moments, it's a good thing. But often at tourist sites, taking pictures almost similar to those found on Google, often with less success. Learn how to keep the camera in his bag to remove it only rarely, sometimes to leave the hotel to enjoy to the maximum the moment.
Contribute to the development of the country visited

You swear by traveling to the point of maddening you know? Like go in developing countries because everything is cheaper? Remember also that it is a privilege to travel, and if you really like a country you have visited, you can support one way or another. More and more people are enjoying their trip to volunteer. Why not you?
Minimize its energy borrows

Since low-cost airlines have launched, you can travel much more often? Please be aware that flights by plane have a very negative impact on the environment. If you travel in Europe, choose the bus or train, and once there, walking and cycling are very good opportunities to reduce your energy and you borrow ... spend!
Do not plan the trip

Before leaving, you spend hours (at work?) Planning your route? You search the blogs and forums travel and know by heart the guide book of the country? And why not predict anything? Take a round trip ticket and improvise everything on site. This will be the best way to meet people, to avoid the most attractions and food things that you really belong to you!

Posted By : SALIMI Abdellah
I am a blogger I love to write. My blog was created to help all those who want to discover the world through writing concerned with travel and adventure themes and learn about the most beautiful places in the world
You can follow me on: Facebook | Twitter | Google+ | Youtube | Web Site.
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