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Sunday 26 October 2014

Living in London: practical issues

Living in London: practical issues
Resolutely "LA" fashionable destination where the French choose to live: how, what should we know? You said it!

Probably the first question that arises, and to which we are confronted before making the big step and come and live in London.
  Where to live?
What you should know first of all is that London is vast and varied neighborhoods (it is not uncommon to have a rich few doors of a neighborhood district). Overall, the North is richer than the south, the center is the most popular (especially in neighborhoods "Chelsea" and "Nottinghill"), and finally is (being formerly an Indian neighborhood and popular paquistanais) is become increasingly trendy now houses stores the most "hipsters" (connected) London (neighborhoods old street / hackney).
At what price?
First know that the roommate reign in London! For a good room (therefore collocation) with a double bed, have easily count £ 400/470 per month (€ 500/560). It will also play on the price, is whether the apartment has a living or not, as often to lower the price the living room is transformed into (admittedly the rent will be cheaper, but less friendly). "The ideally, good and cheap, it is the big house with ten rooms on three floors (rent per room can go down to 280 pounds - 350 €) but it is not easy to find as popular.
Purchasing power
How to manage your money there? the cost of living in London? Questions that we will try to answer.

Purchasing power of French in London
  We can say that will not be very strong, the euro fast! Life in London is said to be particularly expensive ... But once a sterling salary you earn, life becomes easier. Regardless, know that in London there are always bargains and sales everywhere because it is a city of over-consumption.

Or go shopping?
There are several major chains: normal supermarket (Sainsburys, Tesco), upscale (Waitrose and Marks and Spensers for ready meals). There are few markets in France but as one of the biggest lies in London Borough market in London Bridge (open Thursday to Saturday)?
London is a capital, and therefore a big city, which can sometimes be a problem (in terms of displacement) for new expatriates unfamiliar with the area.
What means of transportation?

  The Metro: relatively good service, but constantly work during the weekend so he must be careful what lines or line segments which are suspended, and it can be very annoying ...! The bus: the service is not very good and through the city can quickly become very long. Cycling: it develops slowly, and then, just remember they drive on the left!

The cost of transportation?
Again the cost is high (one day pass around 10 ). It is best to use the Oyster card (magnetic and available to everyone) that saves a bit with a price for the season ... Attention to the "pay-as-you-go" (reload with money and make every trip count) that can easily become very expensive ...

Living in London: the pace of life 

Social life
Emigrate is good, but some may find it difficult to create a social life and integrate into the local population, then what about London?
Is it easy to fit?
Integration in London seems easier than in France because people feel less at first (but are community). There are tons of student parties and the English are always ready for fancy dress !! In short, just be nice and open as even not speaking the language, your colleagues will invite you to their own parties.
Nightlife in London
The center's outputs are quite expensive, less external. There is always the "happy-hours" and tips for trips. Bar: 1 pint of beer £ 4 (pubs are the cheapest), Cinema: 12 pounds in the center (£ 6 on the outside). If not, a great evening, musicals are generally very good (though expensive), it was worth the money, and it's really in the Anglo-Saxon culture! Finally, the favorite entertainment of English and definitely drinking (especially Friday night) !!! So in moderation!
London life she has fundamental differences with our French habits? Is it easy to adapt?
Life style
Yes and no ... Yes, because the English are quite different from the French in their behavior (more reserved but more eccentric), an English will not rule it out loud to think of a person in the subway as you would in France for example. On the other hand, do not forget that this is a great city, and that adaptation will still be facilitated.

cultural differences
Tea (the famous English tea rooms typically result from a true custom), the breakfast, the most eccentric people, but also more environmentally friendly, a mix of trash culture and artistic culture. London is certainly frivolous and party girl.

Why choose to live in London rather than elsewhere?
To conclude, we can say that London is a city that combines the energy and green spaces. One chooses to live a relaxed life while working his English. Finally, it is very fashionable and ahead of the modes (more oriented towards globalization and international). So if during your round the world, you want to take a break and try out a new way of life, do not hesitate and go to London!

Posted By : SALIMI Abdellah
I am a blogger I love to write. My blog was created to help all those who want to discover the world through writing concerned with travel and adventure themes and learn about the most beautiful places in the world
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